Saturday, August 28, 2010

Facebook "is going" Places

Have you heard?  Facebook has a new feature called Places.  It's a feature that allows you to see where your friends are and share your location with them.  You'll be able to see if any of your friends are currently "checked in" nearby and connect with them easily.  To learn more about this feature, sign up for a Facebook class with The PC Teacher (Helping You Click with Technology in Ramsey).  Click here for more information: or to sign up for a class click here

You can check into nearby Places to tell your friends where you are, tag your friends in the Places you visit, and view comments your friends have made about the Places you visit. Use Places to experience connecting with people on Facebook in a completely new way. (Facebook Help Manual)

The Places feature is available to users in the United States with mobile access to the Facebook application for iPhone or Places will be available to other mobile devices and the internet in the future. Please make sure that you are using the most up-to-date software version for your iPhone, Android, or mobile device or the Places application may not function properly. Alternatively, you can access the Places application through your device’s web browser by following these steps:
  1. In your browser go to
  2. Tap the Places tab.
  3. When you are prompted to share your location, tap "Share Location."
To check in at a Place:
  1. Access the Places application on your mobile device.
  2. Click "Check In."
  3. Select the Place where you are from the Nearby Places list. If you don't see the Place name, type the name of the Place where you are into the "Search Nearby Places" box. Alternatively, you can toggle the left-right arrows on the right of the search box to display lists of other Nearby Places.
  4. Write an optional description of what you are doing at the Place where you are checking in. You can also tag your friends at the Place where you are.
  5. Click the "Check In" button again to share your visit.
You control and own all of the information you contribute to Facebook, including your Places information. You decide how you share it and who gets to see it. Your location is never automatically shared: not when you use your mobile device, not when you use the Facebook application and not when you use the Places feature. Your location is only ever shared when you check in to a Place. You have full control over whether and with whom you share your check-ins.   This is how to adjust those settings:

From the Facebook page, click on Account in the upper right corner of the screen then click Privacy Settings then at the bottom click Customize Settings.
In the "Customize settings" section of the screen, simply select the drop-down box next to "Places I check in to" to control who you share that information with and select one of the four recommended settings: Everyone, Friends and Networks, Friends of Friends, or Friends Only. Alternatively, you can make the locations you check in to visible to or hidden from specific people by clicking "Custom."  (If you don't want anyone to see where you are checked in to then set Custom to Only Me)

A little lower down on the screen, in the "Things Others Share" section, you can also control whether or not your friends can check you in to a Place by selecting "Enable" or "Disable" in the box next to "Friends can check me in to Places." Just as with photos, your friends can tag you at Places they check into. You can always remove your name when a friend tags you.

For more information on how to use Facebook, Places or to change your Privacy Settings, contact the The PC Teacher or check out our website at:

Happy clicking,
Betsy Sabatini Coyne

The PC Teacher

The PC Teacher
1000-B Lake Street, Ramsey, NJ  07446

Monday, August 9, 2010

August 14, 2010

updated 8/10/10, 9:30pm

Song credits:
"She's a Butterfly" - Martina McBride
"I'm Yours" - Jason Mraz
"Marry Me" - Train

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Gone MAC

Today, The PC Teacher taught a group of public school teachers how to use Office for MAC.  That's using PowerPoint, Word and Excel on a MAC.  It looks similar to a Windows PC yet different in many ways.

In PowerPoint and Word, you use palettes instead of toolbars to access formatting options such as font type, size, color, etc.

On the keyboard, you use the Command key instead of the Ctrl key to access shortcuts for Copy, Cut, Paste, Bold, Italic, Underline and Print.

When inserting clipart, the clip gallery displays in its own window.  Use the Online button to get to and search for clipart for thousands on the web.  Or use the Object palette to view clipart that you insert from your personal collection.

Office for MAC 2008

Happy clicking,

The PC Teacher